Saturday, April 12, 2008
more tattoos
I have now been doing tattoos for 4 months and am getting much better more and more friends are wanting them, here are some more that i have done.
Tattooing is something i have always been interested in, i have thought it was something i would like to do for about 10 years but thought it was something that was very difficult to start, i thought equipment would be to expensive and there are not really any places that would take you on and teach you, so i didn't get into it. around last October i was on ebay and i noticed tattoo stuff not that expensive and i thought will i wont i, could i actually do it, would it be to hard to learn i mentioned it to friends who said why not you could give it a go and if you found you couldn't do it you could always re-sell the equipment it would be no loss really. I couldn't decide, then i got given some money for Xmas and thought why not and i ordered a full starter set.
Before i even started on a person i surfed the net for any information i could get on tattooing, how to set up your machine, what each type of needle was for, needle depth, how to do outlines and apply colour, hygiene and after care. I then spent some time practicing using practise skins (this was useful to get to know the feel of the machine but was be a bit messy and the skin bubbles up sometimes and is nothing like doing it on skin)
My first tattoo was on a friend it wasn't that great but it wasn't that bad either for a first and my friend was willing to be the practise skin, that's it its a symbol from stargate (Anubis) he is a fan and although it isn't perfect he was happy with it, it became a bit raised and went quite scabby.
i realise now that i may have went a little deep with the needle, so for the next tattoo i made sure that when pushing and holding the armature bar down with the gun set up that the needle could only go into the skin 2mm maximum as that is the depth needed so that it goes as deeply into the dermal layer of the skin as required to make clean, clear lines. when doing the outline i needed to try to remember to hold the skin taut as this helps with clean penetration and will result in straighter lines. The needle must also be used at a 45% position to the skin and moved smoothly yet firm, lines should be done in one long stroke if possible and done away from you, so as to get good back pressure for the ink Flo.
He said to me its OK it can always be fixed once you are better.